Pinfenrecia 提供命令 pinfer
您可以使用 pinfer --help
Usage: pinfer [OPTIONS] APP
Pinferencia Start backend server and/or frontend server.
Argument APP:
If mode is all or backend, app should be the backend uvicorn app.
If mode is frontend, app should be the backend address
--mode TEXT Serving mode: all, frontend, or backend.
[default: all]
--backend-host TEXT Bind socket to this host. [default:]
--backend-port INTEGER Bind socket to this port. [default: 8000]
--backend-workers INTEGER Number of worker processes. Defaults to the
$WEB_CONCURRENCY environment variable if
available, or 1. Not valid with --reload.
--backend-env-file PATH Environment configuration file.
--backend-log-config PATH Logging configuration file. Supported
formats: .ini, .json, .yaml.
--backend-log-level [critical|error|warning|info|debug|trace]
Log level. [default: info]
--backend-root-path TEXT Set the ASGI 'root_path' for applications
submounted below a given URL path.
--backend-limit-concurrency INTEGER
Maximum number of concurrent connections or
tasks to allow, before issuing HTTP 503
--backend-backlog INTEGER Maximum number of connections to hold in
--backend-limit-max-requests INTEGER
Maximum number of requests to service before
terminating the process.
--backend-timeout-keep-alive INTEGER
Close Keep-Alive connections if no new data
is received within this timeout. [default:
--ssl-keyfile TEXT SSL key file
--ssl-certfile TEXT SSL certificate file
--ssl-keyfile-password TEXT SSL keyfile password
--ssl-version INTEGER SSL version to use (see stdlib ssl module's)
[default: 17]
--ssl-cert-reqs INTEGER Whether client certificate is required (see
stdlib ssl module's) [default: 0]
--ssl-ca-certs TEXT CA certificates file
--ssl-ciphers TEXT Ciphers to use (see stdlib ssl module's)
[default: TLSv1]
--backend-app-dir TEXT Look for APP in the specified directory, by
adding this to the PYTHONPATH. Defaults to
the current working directory. [default: .]
--frontend-base-url-path TEXT The base path for the URL where Streamlit
should be served from.
--frontend-port INTEGER The port where the server will listen for
browser connections. [default: 8501]
--frontend-host TEXT The address where the server will listen for
client and browser connections. [default:]
--frontend-browser-server-address TEXT
Internet address where users should point
their browsers in order to connect to the
app. Can be IP address or DNS name and path.
[default: localhost]
--frontend-script TEXT Path to the customized frontend script.
--reload Enable backend auto-reload. [default:
--help Show this message and exit.